Structural design
Building physics
Ameos Clinic Preetz

Facts and figures
Health and care facilities in the district of Plön
New construction and conversion of the Preetz Clinic for compulsory psychiatric-psychotherapeutic care in the district of Plön
(NF approx. 15,000 m²)
(NF approx. 15,000 m²)
GSP Gerlach Schneider Partner Architekten mbB, Bremen
Structural design
Building physics
Structural design, energy requirement verification
Special features:
- New construction and conversion of treatment (operating theaters) and examination rooms as well as laboratory areas during ongoing regular hospital operations
- Low-vibration dismantling of an industrial plant in the immediate vicinity
- Creation and monitoring of a demolition concept including preservation of evidence
- Connection between new building and existing building
- Structural analysis of the connection and building reinforcement
- Reliable verification of the structure's condition (non-destructive and direct sampling)
- Maximum flexibility of the room structure by limiting load-bearing and bracing elements
- Ensuring the variability of building and medical technology by marking areas for subsequent openings
- Investigations into various load positions
- Flat ceiling concept or beam reduction
- Structural design according to BIM LoD 400